Welsh Griddle Cakes – Pice ar y maen

Have you ever wished you could have scones that are so delicious you want to eat them like cookies, but rather than baking them you could cook them like pancakes so they’d be golden and slightly crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside? No? That’s ok. You’ll learn. You’ll wish you could have…

Tomato Rosemary Muffins

These muffins are a nice contrast to heavier, earthy soups. The tomato sauce in the batter keeps them tender with a slight tang and also gives them a lovely golden color.

St. Patrick’s Day: Corned Beef and Irish Soda Bread

This meal displayed both the strengths and the weaknesses of our family’s approach to food. It was successful in that we planned ahead and the results were tasty, healthy, and visually appealing. Unfortunately we all were depending on inexplicable telepathy to make the preparation details clear to my sister, who who was left to execute…

Quick & Easy Side: Scallion Mini-Muffins

These muffins come together without any trouble, a quick counterpoint to earthy soups. Their rich, buttery flavor is balanced by a light sweetness and the hint of sharpness from the bright green scallions.