Phantom Firehouse Sausage Lentil Soup

A spicy lentil stew flavored with Italian sausage and rich with veggies – easy to do as a make-ahead recipe in a crock-pot if you want less fuss.

Green Goddess Soup

The most vibrantly green soup I’ve ever seen, with a healthy dose of garlic balanced with asparagus, spinach and peppery watercress. It’s delicious AND sinister looking.

Salmon Chowder with Dill

This is a family favorite soup recipe, fancier than potato soup but not too complicated for a fish soup, with a lovely well balanced range of flavors. It calls for a few special ingredients, but can be simplified further as long as you have the salmon and dill. We often buy frozen salmon for this…

Quick & Easy Fish Broth

A long time ago, I really intended to approach this whole international cooking thing very practically. I was going to go cuisine by cuisine, showing what ingredients you should keep in your pantry and combine in different ways to make lots of different dishes. I haven’t exactly followed up on that, despite taking lots of…

A Taste of Autumn: Sweet Potato Corn Chowdert

This is the perfect fall soup – I love the blend of colors coming with red peppers, sweet potatoes and corn and the smoky aroma from the bacon. I’ve made it twice in the last few weeks, doubling it the second time since there were complaints about the lack of leftovers the first time. The…

Kimchijjigae – Kimchi Stew – 김치찌개

Traditionally made with pork or tuna, I’ve included a vegetarian option for this popular Korean recipe. This is one recipe you don’t want to make unless you have leftover kimchi – if you try to make it with fresh kimchi, it simply won’t have enough flavor to make the broth taste right.

Cheeseburger Soup

This is definitely Midwestern American “comfort food”: a hearty potato soup fortified with hamburger and American cheese and other ingredients that make it rich and satisfying, if not the healthiest recipe in my repertoire. Perfect for cold nights when you’re craving something warm and familiar.

Remnants of Christmas: Split Pea Soup

One of my favorite things about holidays are the leftover carcasses. Because I love soup and nothing makes a better soup base than leftover roast meat. This recipe for split-pea soup is a family favorite that usually follows a few days after Christmas or any other time we eat a full ham.

Christmas Feast #1: Ecuadorian Quinoa Soup

This year I planned our Christmas dinner around Ecuadorian food from a cookbook I received the Christmas before. Our soup course was Quinoa Soup with Pork, which bubbled away happily in the background as we put together the other courses. And it made plenty for leftovers another day, always a good thing in this house.

Turkey Necromancy: Polish Soup with Kreplach

Another soup inspired by the remnants of a holiday feast, this Polish turkey soup was an excellent way to dispose of the turkey carcass from our Thanksgiving feast. With a rich broth and tasty dumplings filled with leftover shreds of meat, it was very inviting on a cold fall day.